Academic choices

Choosing Your Classes
Students going into grade ten at Horton will find a wide variety of courses offered at different levels of ability and interest.
All of these courses will lead to a Nova Scotia High School Graduation Diploma. If you plan to attend university, you should concentrate on courses identified as Academic or Advanced, although some Open credits are permissible. If you recognize that you are not going to attend university, you should still take a majority of Academic courses if you can cope with the expectations at that level.
The majority of community colleges accept all credit types (Academic, Advanced, Graduation and Open) but many require academic credits for specific programs. It is anticipated that some students will graduate having completed a program of mostly university preparatory courses.Ā
Some will graduate with a combination:
Academic, Advanced, Graduation and Open category courses.
You should talk with your parents, teachers and guidance counselors when making decisions about courses and how they affect your future.
Post-secondary institution requirements are constantly changing; therefore, students need to regularly check the entrance and the program requirements. These are easily accessed through the institutionsā web sites and calendars

Forms & Information

Course requirements for graduation
Course Registration Handbook 2020 2021
Grade 10 Course Registration Worksheet ā 2020 ā For Students Currently in Grade 9
Grade 10 Course Registration Form ā 2020 ā For Students Currently in Grade 9
Grade 11 or 12 Registration FormĀ ā For Students Currently in Grade 10 or 11

Selecting Courses
Horton High School operates on a semester system. Students in grades 9 and 10 will register for 8 credits per year. Students in grade 11 will register for a minimum of 7 credits. Except for special circumstances, students in grade 12 will register for a minimum of 6 credits. Returning graduates will meet with administration to determine the courses for which they will register. Students are encouraged to meet with their guidance counselor if they have questions about course selections and post-secondary admission requirements
The Coding System
Each course description in this booklet is identified by: course title, grade level, credit type (academic, advanced,
graduation or open) and credit value (one credit or Ā½ credit).
The description for each credit type is as follows:
These courses are designed for students who expect to enter college, university or other post-secondary
These courses are designed to meet the needs of students who have demonstrated an exceptional degree of
academic ability or achievement
These courses are designed for students who wish to obtain a graduation diploma with a view to proceeding to employment or some selected area of post-secondary study.
Although none of these courses is designed to meet the specific entrance requirements of any post-secondary institution, individual courses may meet entrance requirements and they can be useful for all students in providing for a well-rounded education