March Update
MARCH 2025 Reminder of our Horton office hours Horton office phones are only answered from 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM.Ā We do not have an answering service option. If you need to alert the office outside these hours pleaseĀ email jodye.routledge@avrce.ca or Text 902-670-8870...
Travel Raffle
Win a Trip for Two, and support Horton Music! For more information,Ā : https://sites.google.com/gnspes.ca/horton-music/about
AP Courses 25/26
AVRCE VirtualĀ AdvancedĀ PlacementĀ (AP) ProgramĀ ā The VirtualĀ AdvancedĀ PlacementĀ (AP) Program is designed to provide an enriched curriculum to students of AVRCE.Ā APĀ coursesĀ are considered to be first-year university level and can lead to a university credit if the...